Editions du Patrimoine

Villa Cavrois - Un chef-d'oeuvre de Mallet-Stevens à Construire

A model for assembly designed by Joëlle Jolivet.
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Sold by Centre des Monuments Nationaux Monument
Villa Cavrois
Editions du Patrimoine
Contemporary period


Designed from 1929 and completed in 1932, Villa Cavrois is one of the most famous examples of modern architecture in France, especially in the realm of private residences. It is one of the few preserved constructions by the great architect Robert Mallet-Stevens (1886-1945), a leading figure in the Union des artistes modernes. Located in Croix, a residential suburb of Roubaix, the villa was built for the Cavrois family, textile industrialists. The park, the furniture, and the decor were also designed by Mallet-Stevens. Thus, the villa is a total masterpiece, conceived in a single burst of inspiration by a true genius. The marks of this genius are everywhere: the palatial arrangement of the façades, the play of water, sky, and light in the park, the kinetic effect of the circulation, the originality of the layouts, the luxury of materials... After years of neglect and vandalism, the restoration of this modern gem has performed a true miracle. By saving what could be saved and reconstructing what was lost based on available documentation, it allows today's visitors to relive the emotions of the Cavrois family in 1932.

Description & Features

Editions du patrimoine

Binding: Pochette


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